952.890.4827 or 800.536.4472

Downloadable Forms

Signature Forms
We can receive emailed or faxed signature forms, but may need the original if the image isn't clear. If possible, send sample of current signature.  Send completed signature form to .
Hints to getting the best signature results:
  1. Use a fine tip black Sharpie when signing.
  2. If you are going to email the signature form, use grayscale on the scanner.
  3. If you can adjust the DPI, use 300.
-  Generic Signature Form PDF
-  Binatek Signature Form PDF
-  Wycom Signature Form PDF
-  Dealer Signature Form PDF
Machine Setup Requirements
These forms will assist us in setting in getting the correct settings for your machine. Once completed, print as PDF and email to .
-  Eprom Setup PDF